local temperatureの例文


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  1. This trend culminated in local temperatures similar to those of modern Florida.
  2. The Tertiary period was a time of rising and falling local temperatures.
  3. He'll hear a computerized voice read the local temperature, wind speed and humidity.
  4. To adiabatically ), so the local temperature in the low-pressure regions drops, too.
  5. Their speed of development depends entirely upon local temperature, humidity and food supplies.


  1. "local telephony"の例文
  2. "local television"の例文
  3. "local television blackout"の例文
  4. "local television in the united kingdom"の例文
  5. "local television station"の例文
  6. "local temperature conditions"の例文
  7. "local temporary table"の例文
  8. "local tenderness"の例文
  9. "local tension"の例文
  10. "local term"の例文
  11. "local television in the united kingdom"の例文
  12. "local television station"の例文
  13. "local temperature conditions"の例文
  14. "local temporary table"の例文

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